How to Have a Sober Valentine’s Day

Sober Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a difficult day for folks in addiction recovery due to the pressure and sense of expectation it creates. The holiday is often celebrated with wine or champagne, but living a sober life means avoiding any scenario that could trigger a relapse. It’s even hard for single sober people. Negative emotions like loneliness or isolation can increase a desire to treat painful feelings with drugs or alcohol. Luckily, there are lots of things a sober person can do on Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you can treat the day as a celebration of your new healthy lifestyle and take the opportunity to form new rituals and celebrations that sustain recovery.

Sober Valentine Date Ideas

Rather than go to a fancy restaurant where other couples are sure to be drinking, try something different this year. Cook a fun meal at home and keep the drink menu limited to non-alcoholic beverages. Make sure to plan something fun for dessert, too. Afterward, you can catch a new flick on Netflix or HBO Max. It’s the traditional dinner-and-a-movie date free of the pressure to drink.

You can also get a couple’s massage, which is a great sober Valentine’s Day activity that can also have therapeutic benefits for addiction treatment. To relax your mind as well as your body, follow up the massage with a round of meditation. You can also try yoga or even acupuncture, especially if your date has never tried it.

Depending on where you live, the weather probably isn’t all that great at the moment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get outside and do something active. You could go ice skating or skiing, or even find a nice hiking trail if there isn’t too much snow in your area. Just bundle up and pack an extra pair of gloves, just in case.

Some other things to consider are a game night, cooking class, art class, or live theater.

How to have a sober Valentine’s Day while single

It’s hard to be alone on Valentine’s Day, and even harder when you’re in recovery. But it’s also important to remember that you aren’t alone – there are plenty of people in the same shoes as you. Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to connect with other sober singles and keep each other company during a difficult day. If you don’t have a date this year, get together with friends in recovery and have a dinner party at home, or book a private room at a favorite restaurant where you can be together and avoid the pressure of seeing other folks drinking.

If you would prefer to be alone, the massage and meditation option is a great choice here, as well. Your mind might be racing with any number of thoughts, so do some self-care and create some positive headspace. When you’re done, swing by your favorite bakery or donut shop for something sweet to enjoy later. It is Valentine’s Day after all — treat yourself!

Acts of service are not Valentine’s Day tradition, but for people in recovery, it can still be a great way to celebrate the day. You can lend a helping hand to other folks in the recovery community, but that isn’t required. There are plenty of organizations and initiatives in need of service these days, such as homeless shelters, food banks, group homes, and health care facilities. Find a cause that resonates with you and devote your Valentine’s Day by showing love to others in need.

For more help with staying sober during Valentine’s Day or any holiday, reach out to Miramar Recovery at (949) 691-5036. We offer counseling, outpatient services, and other programs to assist you in your recovery journey. Contact us today.